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django-tenants offers a set of models that can and should be use to facilitate the integration of multi-tenancy.

django-tenants-url wraps those same models and adds some extra flavours to make sure it serves the purpose of a unified url for all tenants.

Table of Contents


  1. TenantMixin is where the tenant information is stored.
from django_tenants_url.models import TenantMixin

class Tenant(TenantMixin):
     # Customize, override or leave it be


  1. DomainMixin is where the domain of a tenant is stored.
from django_tenants_url.models import DomainMixin

class Domain(DomainMixin):
     # Customize, override or leave it be


  1. TenantUserMixin is where the mapping between a tenant and a user of the system is stored. This is one of the main differences that diverges from django-tenants and what allows the integration of a unified URL for all users and tenants in the system.
from django_tenants_url.models import TenantUserMixin

class TenantUser(TenantUserMixin):
     # Customize, override or leave it be


To help with the process of the creation of a domain and tenant we can also use handle_domain and handle_tenant. More on this here.