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djang-tenants-url offers some handlers that facilitates the creation or update or creation of new domain, tenants and tenant users

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Creates a tenant and a schema for the same tenant. E.g.:

from django_tenants_url.handlers import handle_tenant

tenant = handle_tenant(
    domain_url='', tenant_name='mytenant', schema_name='myschema'


Creates a domain for a given tenant. E.g.:

from django_tenants_url.handlers import handle_domain, handle_tenant

tenant = handle_tenant(
    domain_url='', tenant_name='mytenant', schema_name='myschema'

domain = handle_domain(
    domain_url='', tenant=tenant, is_primary=True


Creates a tenant user relation. E.g.:

from django_tenants_url.handlers import handle_tenant, handle_tenant_user
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model

user = get_user_model().objects.get(email='')

tenant = handle_tenant(
    domain_url='', tenant_name='mytenant', schema_name='myschema'

# if is_active=True, that only facilitates which tenant is currently active
# for the user. This can help filter schemas on logins, for example.
tenant_user = handle_tenant_user(
    tenant=tenant, user=user, is_active=True